Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction

What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is best described as a condition of uneven deposits of fat, water, and wastes that have become trapped in connective tissues of the body just below the skin’s surface. Cellulite occurs primarily in the hips, upper thighs, abdomen, buttocks and upper arms. Studies of cellulite found the biggest contributor toward a cellulite condition was poor blood circulation. However, toxic accumulation and fluid retention are major contributing factors in the formation of cellulite. Loss of blood flow to an area, whether from lack of exercise, excessive sitting, clogged arteries, or nutrient deficiency, can have a disastrous impact on cellulite formation. According to cellulite experts, cellulite generally accumulates in areas with poor circulation, and as a result, the toxins and waste materials get more clogged and harder to remove. Anyone that has cellulite, or the dimpling of the skin on the thighs, rear end, and even the lower leg area, knows that it is a very embarrassing and unsightly condition.

Get Rid of Cellulite
Formostar treats cellulite and adipose tissue with far infrared radiation and specifically, is a method of selectively delivering targeted infrared energy to each client’s individual areas of concern on their bodies. The treatment shrinks the fat stores and removes the toxins beneath the surface of the skin that are the root cause of the dimpled appearance of cellulite. In addition, the Infrared Body Wrap heat penetrates deep into the client’s body to start liquefying the subcutaneous fat so that it gets released via the sweat and other body elimination systems.

The Formostar Treatment significantly improves your blood circulation and by improving the blood flow to the target area, you can eliminate the conditions that caused Cellulite to form in the first place. In summary, when you shrink the subcutaneous stored fat cells and remove the toxins and retained fluids from beneath the skin surface, cellulite will no longer cause dimpling on the skin surface.
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